Giving contraceptives to people in developing countries could help fight climate change by slowing population growth, experts say.
President Barack Obama is sitting down for interviews with five television networks this afternoon, a highly unusual schedule even for a president who regularly uses the media to...
A southern Illinois woman dies after being severely burned in a flash fire while undergoing surgery, a rare but vexing problem in operating rooms.
Surviving breast cancer is a victory, but it can come with costs, including weakened thinking skills, former cancer patients say.
Global production of swine flu vaccines will be "substantially less" than the previous forecast of 94 million doses a week, the WHO says.
Abandoned mercury mines throughout central California's rugged coastal mountains are polluting the state's major waterways, rendering fish unsafe to eat and risking the health of...
A government study says that more than 8 million Americans seriously consider suicide each year, especially young adults and drug users.